Installing CASCADe¶
Using Anaconda¶
The easiest way is to create an anaconda environment and to install and run CASCADe wihtin this environment. In case anaconda is not yet installed on the local system, start with downloading the installer, which can be found at:
Once installed update conda to the latest version:
conda update conda
and then create and environment for CASCADe:
conda create --name cascade python=3.9 ipython
Note that specifying the python version and adding ipython to be installed are optional. The :blue: CASCADe code is guaranteed to work with python version 3.8 but should also work for other versions like 3.7 and 3.9. The conda cascade environment can then be activated with the following command:
source activate cascade
One can now install all necessary packages for CASCADe within this environment either with conda install or pip install. The CASCADe package itself can be downloaded from gitlab.
Installing CASCADe with pip¶
The easiest way to install the CASCADe package is to download the distribution from PyPi, and install the package a designated Anaconda environment with the following commands:
conda activate cascade
pip install CASCADe-spectroscopy
NOTE: With CASCADe version 1.1.5, the batman package version 2.4.8 is only guaranteed to work when using numpy version 1.22.1, and with this numpy version one should install version 0.53.1 of the numba package to ensure the functionality of the latter.
Installing the required CASCADe data and examples¶
All necessary data needed by CASCADe for it to work properly, such as calibration files for the different spectroscopic instruments of HST and Spitzer and configuration templates, need be downloaded from the GitLab repository before running the code. To initialize the data download and setup of the CASCADe data storage one can use the following bash command:
or alternatively from within the python interpreter:
from cascade.initialize import initialize_cascade
The additional downloaded data also includes examples and observational data to try out the CASCADe package, which are explained below.
NOTE: The data files will be downloaded by default to a CASCADeSTORAGE/ directory in the users home directory. If a different location is preferred, please read the section on how to set the CASCADe environment variables first.
Installing alternatives for the CASCADe package¶
The CASCADe code can also be downloaded from GitLab directly by either using git or pip. To download and install with a single command using pip, type in a terminal the following command
pip install git+git://
which will download the latest version. For other releases replace the master
branch with one of the available releases on GitLab. Alternatively, one can first
clone the repository and then install, either using the HTTPS protocal:
git clone
or clone using SSH:
git clone
Both commands will download a copy of the files in a folder named after the project’s name. You can then navigate to the directory and start working on it locally. After accessing the root folder from terminal, type
pip install .
to install the package.
In case one is installing CASCADe directly from GitLab, and one is using Anaconda, make sure a cascade environment is created and activated before using our package. For convenience, in the CASCADe main package directory an environment.yml can be found. You can use this yml file to create or update the cascade Anaconda environment. If you not already had created an cascade environment execute the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
In case you already have an cascade environment, you can update the necessary packages with the following command (also use this after updating CASCADe itself):
conda env update -f environment.yml
Make sure the CASCADe package is in your path. You can either set a
environment variable pointing to the location of the
CASCADe package on your system, or when using anaconda with the
following command:
conda develop <path_to_the_CASCADe_package_on_your_system>/CASCADe